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Hi, I’m Deb Warren

Owner of Metanoia Mind Body Spirit

Roughly translated Metanoia means to change one’s mind, to decide on your own, that you want to make positive changes with your life, to acknowledge that the way you have been living and the choices that you have made are no longer serving you, and have started to be destructive.

To be enlightened and happy with your new discoveries because YOU chose to make life changes, is to find “Metanoia”.

~I am an Intuitive Healer~

About Metanoia Mind Body Spirit

“My Therapies evolve around Refreshing the Mind, Relaxing the Body, & Restoring the Spirit”.

All you have to do is follow the path & signage to the back of the property, and there you will find me.

Come see my “Crystal Stash”, I have a lot of different crystals, and the more familiar crystals to. Some of the Incense are made in Australia, and they are stunning. All fragrance and Essential oils are made in Australia, I know some oils must be sourced from other countries, but they are of the highest quality, thus allowing you to benefit from the therapeutic properties, these oils have no synthetics mixed in.

Healing treatments are managed by me.

A definition of healing ‘A treatment that involves the transfer of energy through the healer to the recipient. It promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions, and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing on all levels’ (NFSH Healing Trust)

So, what is a Metaphysical Holistic Healer?

Metaphysical Healing is the Holistic treatment modality, based on the understanding that negative mental processes, if left unchecked, can result in a physical disease. Often specific negative thought patterns lead to disorders in specific parts of the body. Metaphysical Healing recognises that, and with the establishment of positive mental process, and with support from your practitioner, can aid one towards better physical health.

Holistic practitioners believe that you are responsible for your Health and Wellbeing, we will facilitate in  the guidance of  potential directions, offer new thoughts or ideas, while channelling Energetic Healing Techniques, what you choose to do with the information is up to you, ultimately you are responsible for your life decisions.


Reiki Practitioner
Holistic Wellbeing & Beauty
(Health and Harmony College)

(Aminya Natural Therapies Academy)

Metaphysical Studies
Natural Energies college

Intuitive Healer

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